PC Computer Sale
Terms & Conditions
Thank you for participating in our Windows 10 computer sale. All Windows 10 PC include a copy of Microsoft Office 2019. Buyer must meet eligibility requirements in order to purchase this computer. See details and other important information below.
30-Day Computer Return Policy – All Computer Reach computers must be returned within 30 days of the purchase date for refund or exchange. Please call us first to discuss.
Two Year Computer Hardware Warranty – All defective Computer Reach computers must be serviced at our warehouse within two years of date of purchase, unless stated otherwise. Limited telephone support available for two years.
Services on Computer Reach computers after two year warranty: (note the we can only service computers purchased at Computer Reach)
Diagnosis after one year = $25 per drive Costs and time estimates of parts and labor after diagnosis vary widely and will be discussed with the customer if repair is possible.
Operating system reinstalls $25 per drive of the same operating system that shipped with the Computer Reach computer.
Computer Reach computers are obtained as gently used and refurbished by our team.
To receive some licensed Microsoft technology and other services from Computer Reach, a potential recipient must prove they are below the 200% poverty level or be currently enrolled in an income-based government assistance program. Nonprofits must provide a 501c3 designation number for review. Please contact us with eligibility questions.
Persons in Family – Max Allowed Income 1 – $25,520 2 – $34,480 3 – $44,440 4 – $52,400 5 – $61,360 6 – $70,320 7 – $79,280 8 – $88,240
Documents accepted for proof of eligibility require a date and the recipient’s name: Employment Services*, Extended Foster Care, Financial Assistance such as GA, TANF, etc. Head Start, Retirement/Pension or Unemployment Benefits, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Medicaid /Medical Assistance ( document that says “MA" or “Medical Assistance") The National School Lunch Program’s Free or Reduced Lunch Program, Section 8, Federal Public Housing Assistance, or Group Residential Housing (GRH), Social Security Disability (SSD), General Assistance, Veteran Administration, Supplemental Security Income (SSI)* A Statement of benefits from Social Security
*Any proof of eligibility is subject to approval by Computer Reach staff. Additional documents may be required to unquestioningly prove income or enrollment in government assistance programs.
(Not accepted are EBT cards, pay stubs, Medicaid cards outside the current coverage year.)
Mobile: 724-779-0099
Email: dsevick@ComputerReach.Org
Dell 9020 All-In-One
Purchase Date: 2016
Windows 10
MS Office 2019
Intel Core i7-4770S @3.10 Ghz
Original MSRP: $1970

Must meet eligibility requirements for purchase.
See “Terms & Conditions" for details.
Dell 9020 All-In-One
Purchase Date: 2016
Windows 10
MS Office 2019
Intel Core i5-4570s @3.10 Ghz
Original MSRP: $1970

Must meet eligibility requirements for purchase.
See “Terms & Conditions" for details.