The Nyadire Connection

So far this year, great work is being done in Nyadire, Zimbabwe by a dedicated team called The Nyadire Connection. Fifty Computer Reach Apple computers are in use in Nyadire from our 2010 support mission.

On six separate mission trips, forty volunteers traveled to Nyadire to work in The Nyadire Connection’s various programs, get to know the people and sample the Zimbabwean culture. An overview of their experiences over the past nine months in below.

Jan.22 -28: Co-leaders – Drew Harvey & Sandy McKnight. Review of all programs, initiate farm rejuvenation, completion of water project.

May 17 – June 5: Co-leaders – Janet Elders & Sue Bower. Six team members. Large amount of drugs delivered. Major emphasis on Farm, Micro-loan Program, Pharmacy renovation, Home of Hope interaction.

June 28 – July 17: Co-leaders Kathy Surma & Rev. Kimberly Greway. Pastor Workshop conducted, major review of TNC hospital drug purchasing process, sanitary products program with Girl Child Network. Excursion to Victoria Falls.

July 13 – Aug.3: Team Leader – Mary Beth Zollars. Team size 13, many from Latrobe UMC. Met with Hakan Wiik of Finland to prepare proposal for Hearing Impaired Center. Home of Hope Outreach School Sponsorship Program (HOHO) updated. Volunteers tutor HOHO students in English. Victoria Falls Excursion via 12 hour bus ride from Nyadire.

August 2 – 19: Co-leaders – Mark LaRosa and Pat Cook. Team size 7. Vacation Bible School, work with hospital and Home of Hope, Teachers’ College. Jodi Stoltenburg from CA and son, Frankie, will produce several promotional videos for each TNC program which can be used on website etc.

July 13 – Aug. 19: Immersion Program. Seven people are spread out geographically and staying with host families In hopes of understanding Zim culture and seeing the role of laity in the Zim church.

For more information visit The Nyadire Connection’s website.  You can also subscribe to their eNewsletter by emailing

The August eNewsletter will feature:
– Brother’s Brother African Initiative
– TNC’s Six Mission Trips in 2012
– Dr. Tshiani’s Visit to Pittsburgh
– Home of Hope and Outreach Programs
– Blankets are a Blessing
– Baby Gracious
– Power Pad Project

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