Weekends Are Back!
Many hands make light work. No way can this woman do the work all by herself!!!
Please join us this Saturday, May 19, at our warehouse (214 N. Lexington Street, Pittsburgh 15208) where we will be building and boxing computers for multiple projects to be launched next month. There will be technical and nontechnical things to do that are tailored for everyone from school-age children to seniors. And we will have several computer techs guiding all the work. So don’t feel your technical skills are not up to snuff. We will find something for you to do!
You need not come all day although we plan to work from 8 am to 4 pm. Choose a time that works for you. Free lunch will be served, and refreshments will be available all day long.
Just let us know when you can come by going to Get Involved. That way we can know how much food to bring in and how to prep our teams…and also when to expect you.
For more information, Contact us. Thanks for your help!