What is the Somerset County PA Digital Navigator Project?

The Somerset County PA Digital Navigator Project addresses a critical need for digital literacy and access to technology in rural Appalachia.  Computer Reach is stepping up to ensure that everyone, regardless of their location or background, has the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the digital landscape effectively. By bolstering digital infrastructure and fostering digital inclusion, this project has the potential to make a significant difference in the lives of Somerset County residents, empowering them to succeed in today’s interconnected society. Besides being a Digital Navigator, I work part- time for the Somerset County Federated Library System consortium where I help with our programs, services and the bookmobile.  I also worked at the local radio station where I was the on-air radio personality “Jennifer Jumper” on Froggy 95.5 for a year, among other positions.


Jennifer Hoffman

Digital Navigator Program Coordinator – Somerset County

814-445-5907 ex. 117jhoffman@somersetcolibrary.org  |  Linked IN

+ 6 Digital Navigators ( to be posted soon )

What is a Digital Navigator Program?

A Digital Navigator Program provides community members with affordable connectivity solutions, computer device access, customized  in-person digital skills training, and ongoing remote and/or in-person tech support.

The Somerset County PA Digital Navigator Project provides county residents with...

Free Personal Computer Devices
Ongoing Tech Support
At-home Digital Skills Training

What impact will the Project have in the lives of Community Members?

The Digital Navigator Project will provide eligible Somerset County PA residents with the tools,
training and support needed to help them access…

Access & manage healthcare tools: telehealth visits, patient portals, and other information.
Access local government information, learn about and participate in community activities.
Access, learn, apply & manage services such as: Affordable Connectivity Program, Medicaid, Medicare, Housing, Food Banks, etc.
Connect & stay in touch with friends and family. Access & manage online tools such as: online bill payment, shopping, banking, etc.
Access & manage child’s school portal, Access & manage online education portals/tools/resources.
Access & manage workforce development tools/resources/portals, Apply for job opportunities.


The Washington Co Digital Navigator Project has been a game-changer for the emergency services in Cokeburg borough, specifically for the Cokeburg Volunteer Fire Department. With access to critical devices and comprehensive digital skills training, the project has helped us significantly improved our life-saving emergency services and enhanced our response capabilities to fire protection and other critical situations. The project’s support has bridged the gap between our aspirations and financial constraints, enabling us to better serve our community with faster and more efficient responses.

We are immensely grateful for their support and excited about the positive impact it will have on our department’s operations and the safety of our residents. 

Dave Lambert, Chief Cokeburg Volunteer Fire Co. Washington County, PA

Partner with Us

We are here to help bridge the Digital Divide in Somerset County. Our project is designed to provide devices and services that can be customized to the particular needs of the communities you serve. 
If you represent a nonprofit organization, community agency, school, local government, or any other community-based group that serves Somerset county residents, please consider partnering with us.

Latest Project News

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August 1, 2024 – A Huge Thank You to Computer Reach’s Summer Intern Sonny Thomas!

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Zach Peterson, Digital Navigator at Computer Reach

Today I would like to introduce you to Zach, our dedicated Digital Navigator who plays a pivotal role in our…