Bethlehem Center School District Receives Donation of 40 Computers
Coordinated by our Lead Tech David Mitchell, Computer Reach successfully donated and shipped three pallets of technology to the Bethlehem Center School District in July. Made possible through a generous donation received from Uber Advanced Technologies Group (Uber), the school district received 40 CPUs, monitors, keyboards, and mice at no cost.
The Bethlehem Center School District is located in Fredericktown, Pennsylvania, serving an average of 1,194 students in pre-k and grades K-12. Through this donation, Computer Reach and Uber hope to increase student and teacher access to digital technologies.
Thank you, Uber, for your generous donation and for working with us on our mission to bridge the digital divide. To learn more about Uber Advanced Technologies Group, visit their website!
To learn more about our work to bridge the digital divide, visit our News page!
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