Partner & Place Program
Please support
Computer Reach
#Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Partner & Place Program is the Fourth component of our operations. We PARTNER with local funders such as churches, foundations and civic groups that generously underwrite the purchase of our refurbished computers so we can PLACE them in non-procit and non-governmental organizations in Southwest Pennsylvania and around the world.
Since 2001 we have placed computers in 25 states across the USA and 29 countries around the world.
We charge nominal fees that are well below market value for equipment, expert service and technical support. We carefully research and select the humanitarian organizations that approach us with their technology needs. Computer Reach serves schools, orphanages, churches, food-banks, medical clinics, job training centers, literacy initiatives, refugee organizations, missionaries, disaster relief agencies, and other humanitarian causes.
Next week …. Service & Support
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